Retreats at HNA


Retreats are an opportunity for students to build community, strengthen a sense of self, and take time to reflect. We have annual one-day retreats for students in each grade, as well as optional retreats held throughout the year. 

Search Retreat

Since 1991, students in 11th- and 12th-grade have been invited to attend Search, an optional three-day, weekend retreat. It is led by current 12th-graders who have previously attended a Search Retreat.

This student-planned and -led retreat is a highlight of many students' experience at HNA. It is a time to grow in love, respect, and understanding of oneself and others. Over the course of the weekend, students partake in reflections from senior leaders, small group discussions, games and activities, and Mass.

Retreats with Your Grade

Each grade participates in a one-day retreat during the school year. Retreats take place during the school day and are held both on and off-campus.

Each grade-level retreat is unique. The 9th and 10th-grade retreats include community-building and small group reflection. The 11th-grade retreat includes service to the larger community, and the 12th-grade retreat provides an opportunity for class bonding and reflection before graduation.

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