HNA Transportation Programs

HNA Transportation Programs

Holy Names Academy draws students from 86 ZIP codes and 114 middle schools throughout the Greater Seattle area. Students use a variety of transportation methods, including carpooling, HNA’s morning shuttle program, public transportation, biking, and driving.



    Parking in New Underground Parking Garage 

    • Now Open: Holy Names Academy’s new parking garage—accommodating 243 cars and located beneath the new Athletic Complex—is now open. All students, faculty, and staff are required to park in the garage. After parking, students should proceed immediately to the commons. 
    • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: The parking garage contains EV charging stations. If using an EV charging station, click here for instructions to sign up to use ChargePoint. The designated EV charging stalls can be used only while charging vehicles; once vehicles are completely charged, students must move them to non-charging stalls. 
    • Features: The new parking garage contains many important features including an entrance and exit car counter, heated ramps for ice and snow, bumpers on every column, double-striped parking spots, gates, cameras, high-intensity light, and emergency phones. Sustainable features include LED lighting throughout, the infrastructure to add EV charging stations to every parking stall, and secure parking for bicycles. The gym, under which the parking garage sits, has solar panels on its roof to generate enough electricity to light the entire school. Click here to learn more and see a sneak peek into the garage.  
    Parking Permits Required: 
    • All vehicles using the parking garage must have an HNA parking permit displayed in the lower-left corner of the rear window.  
    • To obtain a new parking permit or submit changes to an existing parking permit (such as a new license plate number), please complete this form and submit it to the Receptionist, Ms. Nancy Volk.  
    Frequently Asked Questions: 
    • Are students allowed to park on the street? 
      No. All students are required to park in the garage; parking on neighborhood streets is no longer permitted. (Note: There may be special events for which students will be instructed to park in the neighborhood; students will receive advance notice.) 

    • How do students enter the parking garage if they arrive late?  
      The entrance gate to the garage will be open only from 6:30 to 8:05 a.m. A daily parking garage code is listed in Teams for students to access. Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. must use this code to enter the parking garage. After parking, late-arriving students must exit the parking garage and enter the school building through the main entrance up the front steps on 21st Ave. E. At the main entrance, students should ring the doorbell so that the receptionist can let them into the building. 

    • Are parents allowed to park in the parking garage? 
      The garage is mainly for the use of faculty, staff, and students on school days. Parents and visitors should park in the back parking lot or use street parking and must follow the HNA guidelines of only parking on the north and west sides of the street. A full list of street parking guidelines can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook.

    Driving Information for Drop-Offs and Pick-Ups 

    Morning Drop-Off:  

    Students must be dropped to the front (west) side of the school on 21st Ave. E. (Students may not be dropped off on 22nd Ave. E. at the back of the school; it should be used only to access the underground parking garage beneath the new gym.) Cars should pull all the way to the south end of 21st Ave. E. near Roy St., where students may enter the building through the commons. Please note: 21st Ave. E. is a one-way street southbound for cars but a two-way street for bicycles. 


    Afternoon Pick-Up:  

    School is dismissed at 2:30 p.m. on all days except Thursdays and at 1:45 p.m. on Thursdays. Students must exit the building through the commons. Students must be picked up on the front (west) side of the school on 21st Ave. E. (Students may not be picked up on 22nd Ave. E. at the back of the school; it should be kept clear to prevent traffic jams as student cars exit the new underground parking garage.) Drivers picking up students may not sit and wait at any time in the middle of the street and should circle the block, if necessary.  


    Holy Names Academy offers morning shuttles serving six regions of Seattle and beyond.

    Each route will have capacity for 14 students. We accept registrations for each route on a first-come, first-served basis. Student shuttles run each morning, including late starts, half-days, and testing days. The HNA Morning Shuttle will not run in the event of inclement weather that affects the school day schedule. See the HNA Morning Shuttle Program Info Sheet for additional details. 

    Registration opened at 8:00 a.m. on March 28, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year. Note: Families who have not registered and paid for morning shuttle services will not be permitted to ride the shuttle. 

    Questions on registration and payment should be directed to the Holy Names Academy Business Office at:





    Each year, HNA publishes a directory of families interested in participating in carpools. The directory is organized by ZIP code and emailed to participating families in early June. If you wish to be included in the 2024-2025 HNA Carpool Directory, please complete this form. You may also email or call the Admissions Office: (206) 720-7805, Families must sign up each school year to be included in the directory. The contact information in the Carpool Directory comes from the HNA registration database. If you would like a second address included, please list the name of the parent living at the second address. Families are responsible for making their own carpool arrangements.


    Metro Transit Bus Routes

    There are several bus stops near Holy Names Academy:

    • Stop #29279: 23rd Ave E & E Roy St (Northbound)
    • Stop #29255: 23rd Ave E & E Roy St (Southbound)
    • Stop #29254: 23rd Ave E & E Aloha St (Southbound)
    • Stop #29278: 23rd Ave E & E Aloha St (Northbound)
    • Stop #13360: 19th Ave E & E Roy St (Northbound)
    Plan my metro transit trip to HNA
    Sound Transit: Sounder Train, Express Buses, Link Light Rail

    Some Holy Names Academy students use Sound Transit for part of their commute. Please use the link below if you would like to plan your commute to HNA via Sound Transit. 

    Plan my sound transit trip to HNA 
    Washington State Ferry Routes

    We have students who commute using the WSDOT Ferry system from Kitsap County and Vashon Island. Please use the link below if you would like to plan your commute to HNA via Washington State Ferries. 

    Plan my ferry trip to HNA

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HNA Summer Camp 2025
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